"Understanding the Economics of Digital Compared to Traditional Advertising and Media Services"

AAAAがレポート出してた。「デジタル・マーケティングの経済学 ―トラディショナルな広告・メディアとの対比において―」みたいな。

“Digital is unlike any other medium and should not be viewed using traditional benchmarks.”

This statement from McCann COO Joe Burton encapsulates the reason that the new 4A’s Marketers Guide series publication, "Understanding the Economics of Digital Compared to Traditional Advertising and Media Services,” is a must read for our industry.

Agency and marketer communities will benefit from having a better understanding of the economics of digital services (compared with traditional advertising and media services). Joe Burton’s book examines the Web 2.0 landscape, explains the cost and services differences between traditional and digital spaces, debunks common myths and provides insights to help ease the migration to digital for both advertisers and agencies.

New 4A's Book: "Understanding the Economics of Digital Compared to Traditional Advertising and Media Services"

Executive Summaryまでしか読んでないけど、読まなきゃいけなそう。英語英語。